Purposeful Gatherings EC Interest in My Backyard Anywhere – Tour of Building Blocks School and Friday Night Bunk at Camp Linden (9/20/24)

Friday Night Tour, Networking, & Bunk
Building Blocks School, Highland
Bunk at Camp Linden, Linden MI
September 20, 2024!

This form allows you to show interest for yourself and/or multiple team members to participate in a Friday evening tour & networking event along with an overnight bunk at Camp Linden ahead of the Purposeful Gatherings Saturday event (also at Camp Linden). This is not a commitment and is for planning purposes only. But while you’re at it, if you plan the pd calendar for a program or agency, this is a great opportunity to include Purposeful Gatherings Early Childhood in your calendar and budget (all events include miregistry training hours)!!

Tour and Networking Event, Building Blocks School, Highland, MI + Bunk at Camp Linden (Friday, September 20, 2024) – $50
Purposeful Gatherings EC – My Backyard, Anywhere, Camp Linden, Linden MI (September 21, 2024) – $150
$125 Early Bird Pricing until 9/1/24